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Respect for Staff Policy

Clearview Home Improvements recognises that all members of staff (including contractors working on behalf of Clearview) are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect by members of the public. This policy statement explains how we work together to achieve that aim.

Protecting Our Employees

At Clearview, we recognise the benefits of providing a working environment in which everyone feels valued, respected, and able to contribute to the success of the business. We are committed to protecting the wellbeing of staff along with that of customers and other visitors so far as is reasonably practical.

Good customer service is essential for the success of our business. We recognise that our staff take pride in being able to deliver a quality service to customers and will do everything in their power to do so. In return they are entitled to expect reasonable treatment from customers.

In a small number of cases the actions of customers may become unacceptable because they involve abuse of our staff and contractors and/or our processes.

We do not view an action as unacceptable simply because a person is forceful or determined. However, we do consider actions that result in unreasonable demands and/or abusive behaviour to be unacceptable.

There are a range of actions we consider to be unacceptable, which can be best grouped as follows: aggressive, threatening, intimidating or abusive behaviour; and unreasonable demands and/or unreasonable levels of contact.

Where a customer’s behaviour is deemed unreasonable, staff/contractors will be given the company’s full support to address the issue.

Aggressive or abusive behaviour

We understand that people can become angry when matters they feel strongly about are not being dealt with as they wish. If that anger escalates into aggression or abuse towards our staff or contractors, we consider that to be unacceptable.

Aggressive or abusive behaviour includes language (whether verbal or written) that may cause staff or contractors to feel afraid, threatened or abused and may include threats, personal verbal abuse, derogatory remarks and rudeness. We also consider inflammatory statements, remarks of a discriminatory nature and unsubstantiated allegations, to be abusive behaviour.

Where a customer is aggressive or abusive, we may decide to: advise the customer that we consider their actions offensive, unnecessary and unhelpful and ask them to stop; end telephone calls / appointments / meetings; terminate all direct contact with the customer; notify the police. This will always be the case if physical violence is used or threatened; and take any other action that we consider appropriate to the circumstances.

Unreasonable demands and / or unreasonable levels of contact

A demand becomes unacceptable when it starts to impact excessively on the work of our staff and contractors, or when dealing with the matter takes up an excessive amount of time and in so doing, disadvantages other customers.

Where a customer is unreasonably demanding, repeatedly contacts us in person, by phone, email etc., contacts various staff about the same issue, raises the same issue repeatedly, or sends us large numbers of documents about which the relevance is not clear, we may decide to: limit contact to telephone calls from the person at set times on set days; restrict contact to a nominated member of staff who will deal with future calls or correspondence; see the person by appointment only; restrict contact to written correspondence only; refuse to deal with further correspondence and return any documents; advise the person that further irrelevant documentation will be destroyed; and take any other action that we consider appropriate to the circumstances.

Reporting Procedure

Harassment, abuse, intimidation or threatening behaviour towards an employee or representative of Clearview Home Improvements will not be tolerated, on any level. Managers and staff are actively encouraged to report such incidents as they occur, with records held internally in accordance with our GDPR Policy.

Reports will be submitted to the Managing Director, Operations Director, Head of HR and/or other relevant senior management as appropriate who will take the appropriate level of action.

Taking action

Before we take any action, we will give the customer the opportunity to modify their behaviour. If the behaviour continues, the customer will be informed in writing what decision/action has been taken and why, including any alternative arrangements regarding their project as appropriate.

If unreasonable, abusive, intimidating, or threatening communications persist, offenders will be reported to Lancashire Constabulary with full details of the incident/s and if necessary, further legal remedies will be pursued.

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